Iron Bound Update–10-30-10

I shall see to it that our sacred home away from the mundane demands of reality receives a weekly update, or at least a bi-weekly update, so that silence will be hard press to dominate. Silence leads good men and women astray in fear that this online sanctuary has lost its king, his royal guards, and the meaning his banner once stood for.

Iron Bound, like any hatchling fresh from the egg, is just beginning to grow. Right now, it might be small and frail, but soon enough, faster than you know, it will grow powerful. As we speak, we are recruiting artists from the far lands to decorate our bland walls. We seek the barbs, the oracles, and the wanderers for their tales, poems, and firelight stories.

As of right now, we have some, but in order to choose from the selection, we need more. I’m sorry to say that there won’t be an Iron Bound edition this month, but that doesn’t mean we will sit and stew in our failure.

We will take the moment that the gods have given us and revisit the tales of the previous issue. We will share comments, opinions, and much more over the progress of our fellow brothers and sisters (other websites in the genre).

About Jesse Dedman

Author of several short stories, a few books, and a ton of extra stuff.
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1 Response to Iron Bound Update–10-30-10

  1. Hilgrahm says:

    It’s sad that you have to delay the next volume.

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